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General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM)

GNM Course GNM course is an integral part of the healthcare system which promotes health checkup and prevention of illness within the broad spectrum of health care. GNM course offers on ground training to the candidates to gain practical experience.The sole purpose of the course is to address the needs of the patients with the help of clinical methodologies by making the candidates ready.

GNM Course Details

  • GNM course, full form General Nursing and Midwifery is a 3.5years duration clinical nursing course .It is diploma level course, suitable for those who want to pursue career in clinical nursing.
  • GNM admission is done through Entrance examinations conducted by various State departments across India. The GNM Nursing Admission process takes place both through direct admission or through entrance exams.
  • The 3.5 years of GNM duration are divided into 3 years of education and 6 months of mandatory internship. Students get to do internships in Nursing Homes, Hospitals and even Private Medical Firms and Companies. This is suitable for those who are interested in assisting sick people and helping doctors in various hospitals.
  • Top GNM jobs in India include Pharmaceutical Industry, Technical Industry, Research Labs, etc.
  • After GNM, students have the scope of entering the job sector or either pursuing a Master's degree or a PhD.